Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chronicles Of A Failing Marriage...

My Hubby inferred today that my diary was full of 'shit' writing.

No; Actually it's a chronicle of my failing marriage.

He's spent no time with me in three days- choosing instead to go to the pub and blowing most of the money. Now he offers me sex. I'll be right thanks- you don't get to be rewarded for neglecting me.

You don't give me any part of yourself. You never ask me how I am or what I've been doing. You've told me too many times to count that you don't care about how I feel.

I'm being polite. I'm not going to arc up anymore just because you don't want to be with me. I'll spend time with people who do.

"You're sexy" "I'll fuck you". Whatever. That's all you've ever offered me. Not hardly a "Hello". Never "How are you?" Forced conversations about nothing important or relevant. All about You.

Why didn't you stay where you were if that's all you want to talk about? What about Here, with Me? Why isn't that enough for you?

The truth is I'm sick of being a bitch to you trying to get you to want me back.

Emotionally- I'm done.

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