Thursday, March 4, 2010

Neanderthal's Versus Philosophy...

Tazzie and I were watching a show about Neanderthal's and Philosophy.

Two of my favourite subjects...

He got a bit rambunctious during my Valid argument and then he left with the shits.

Shit happens...

Now his phone is turned off.

I only wanted to let him know how educated/interested I am on the subject.

He's gone home; the forty five year old Baby.

Heaven help him if he ever meets another opinionated person in his life.


Grump said...

I was watching the show on the Neanderthals, which I really enjoyed. There was one bit in the second show where they seemed to start all over again, to tell you about the special little bone with all the DNA in and the man who made it possible to speed read the sequencing. The bit where he was walking amongst his Stonehenge style garden.
Which show was about Philosophy/
Woof x

Enchantress said...

Oh, goodness. Nothing wrong with a little healthy debate. I suppose the baby will calm down after while. ;)

Miss Construed... said...

The show had nothing to do with philosophy exactly; rather my philosophic bent that I had when watching it.

I tried to make it about the philosophy of human existance; Taz didn't get it. Although, alledgely, I was too drunk to even attempt such a discourse...