Sunday, May 30, 2010


Have you ever considered what it must feel like for Little Son to have a grubby little piece of shit like taz come and go into his house tease and torment him and kick him in the arse boss him around telling him to go outside and then for you to take that fuckwits side and pretend it's all ok. You're Little Son's mother and it's your responsibility to provide him with a safe and comfortable environment. That house is his home and supposed to be a sanctuary. You have failed him there as a mother as well. He said he doesn't speak up because you get cranky at him and send him to his room. That leach taz is just a visitor he does not contribute with any expenses and has no authority over Little Son he should respect the fact that that is his home and he is a visitor and behave appropriately. Little Son does not like taz. He is just a kid and has to try and fit in with his environment. The one you have provided. I don't ask him about what goes on over there I don't want to know it only annoys me. He comes straight out and tells me thinking that there is something I can do. I am his father and I have a interest in his welfare. Little Son wishes taz would die he hates it when taz comes over to get drunk with his mother he hates it when taz blows yucky smoke in his face and he hates it when his mother kisses ugly old taz. He doesn't just say this to me he will say it to my mother as well. Like when he told grandma J "I wish taz got run over by a car when he fell over drunk on the road, pissy taz" and I wasn't there so Little Son wasn't trying to impress me.
You are a disgrace as a mother you live in a fantasy world that you have created for your own piece of mind and taz is nothing but a scabby piece of dog shit.
I regret every moment I have spent with you and am ashamed to know you. It's nothing short of embarrassing for me when people find out that we have children together.
Regards hubby

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