Monday, March 3, 2008

When Push Comes To Shove...

When push comes to shove I have always stood up for and defended you. I have always been there for you when you've needed me. I don't think I've ever let you down intentionally or on purpose.

I'm winding down. I can't give you anymore.

Backing out. Blocking you off. You've had more than enough of me.

This is what's called an emotional rollercoaster.

This is what's called a relationship breakdown.

I'll hang a hammock on the back verandah- it'll give me somewhere to sleep when I can't go to sleep in our room.

I can't be myself around you-that's the bottom line I suppose. I feel gagged; threatened if I speak. Fearful of triggering you off.

So I'll be silent. Forever if I have to be. Don't expect anything from me again. I might love you but I don't respect, trust or even like who you are at the moment. I have to beg to get you to appreciate the smallest thing.

The only person's attention I've ever sought is yours and you reject me time and time again.

I'm done throwing myself at you.

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