Sunday, April 11, 2010

How Would You Like This In Your Inbox...

I'm a normal person that has tyred time and time again to help out a dishonest alcoholic junky whore who gets smashed off her face and has sex with the local pub gronk traumatising her children, mother and friends that actually care for her. Even though this fuck up just expects people to make sacrifice's for her, she despises them for it.
All that these people have done was cared for this pathetic person and been shat on time and time again.
You try and keep taz quiet and hidden away because every one who actually does care and makes real sacrifice's for you keeps telling you he's a cancer.
-If you think he fits then your goal in life must be to become as pathetic as him.
when some one helps some one they are suppose to feel good about it not sad because they know their efforts waisted.
You try and put other people down,specially the ones that try to help you because you hate who you are and are to ashamed to admit it so you deny the truth and replace it with your own reality. the person you really hate for what they have become is yourself all you have to do is cut off the cancer called taz lay off the cheap box of poison and your life will turn around. don't hate the people that really care for you just because you chose to be weak.
Regards hubby

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