Tuesday, December 9, 2008

John Marcus...

My Sister put it best when she she said...

"My ex-Husband is fourteen years older than me; and my boyfriend is fourteen years younger than me. He's my Boy"

But I don't think I've ever seen a braver Man than that boy. Watching him burying his child. Like the Minister said; there Are no names for people who have buried their own children.

Except Brave.

I'm afraid it was Me who broke down while I looked upon my Nephew for the first and last time. All five hundred and fifty eight grams of Him. My heart broke when I saw him; the tiniest of hats had been placed on his head to 'keep out the cold'.

"He didn't look like that Before". She was trying to explain his wastage. It's been a week since death. She's high (low?) on Valium and booze. And it makes me scared that if she's hiding that from Him then what must he be hiding from her?

Me: He's beautiful Sister. Just the way he is.

And he was.


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