Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Fuck I'm Dirty at Twink.

We were at the Trivia tonight. Me Fido and Twink. Because it's Our thing. Being clever.

I came up with the name for the team. It's a new word that I've coined for the day.


It sums Me up perfectly. Well; All of us actually. For anyone who wishes to know why please ask.

Anyway. Twink. Pissed me off. I digress.

We won trivia in a final shoot out with The Nevilles. First prize was fifty bucks. Twink told Fido that as "I" was the Weakest Link I was only getting ten bucks out of the kitty. So I spat the frigging dummy. I admit it.

Then he insulted me. Called me Will. A cockhead I know who has given me the shits for months by undercutting my Name. With people I know. At the Pub. In more ways than one. I'd love to elaborate but I can't for the illegalities of the issues. Anyway; he's a Skunk with no backbone to stand on. If he gets a raw deal then he deserves one. Enough said.

So Twink called Me by this guy's name.

And I left the money on the table...

Fido brought it out to me; stuck it in my purse.

I threw it in the Pokies with Toddie. We lost.

Twink left. Later; he messaged me something about being the Wicked Witch of the West and to Get Help.

I told him not to blame the mother of his Baby.

But I doubt Anyone Else would understand Why Besides Us.

What I really want to say to him is that...

You are a Virtual Dirty Sanchez.

And that...

I don't know why I let you fuck Me like this.

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