Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Just You...

I want Him so bad.

Friday night. We ran into each other at the Pub. He was gorgeous; unshaven in a yellow t shirt. I didn't want to leave him there.

We swapped numbers. A little while later he messaged.

"I thought it would be 150 by now."

I can't remember my reply.His was...

"Just You and I'll help you bask."

I think I creamed my pants.

"Just You and I'll help you crack 150"

I said something back to Him. He replied.

"Keep it down"

I can't.

"Cool. I'm just watching porn trying to hit 250"

And then...

"What did you use for 100?"

I told him.

"I'm going for one now; any words to help me on my way?"

And then...


And then...

"Where? I have my cock in my hand"


"Just your hand?"

"Tell Me more."

"What does that mean?"

"Send me a rude msg; what you'd do to me and Minnie".

So I told him.

That I'd tongue fuck the Both of them.

My phone rang. And it was him.

Me: I wish I could be there Baby. I want to. Be on your cock. So bad.

I'm scared.

Of how I feel about him. Of missing out on him. There was no way I could meet him or Minnie. Even though that's what I most wanted in the World was. Jen Jen would have been disgusted with me and then I'd have to explain myself to Hubby. I couldn't do this without him knowing. At least I don't think so.

I went to His house at five thirty in the morning. Minnie and he were asleep and didn't hear me knocking at the back door; although their brindle pup Mia did. She wet herself when she saw Me; all over the fake green carpet on His back verandah.

I'm seriously in lust. Yesterday I fucked myself and thought of Him.

He's beautiful. And he likes Me, too.


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