Friday, May 30, 2008

My Plan...

I had lunch with hubby today.

I told him my Plan.

And he agreed to it.


Gemnastics said...

so tell us. what is the plan?

Elaine Denning said...

yes, please do!

Jenny Wynter said...

The fairytale plan?

Miss Construed... said...

The plan is for me to look for a house for me and the kids. Hubby will go on the lease (it'll look better on the application to have two people in paid employment) but will move back into Our house when I move out.

He'll help with my rent ( as part of his maintenance for the kids) but stay here until his Mother sells the place(she says she will give him $20000 from the sale) or has saved up enough money for a deposit to buy a house.

As for what happens between Us I don't know yet. Once I've found a place I'll be taking at least a six month lease. I hope he comes over for dinner with me and the kids. I'll probably let him stay over on weekends (who am I kidding?) In an Ideal World we'll be apart for six months and can try and work on our relationship without inflicting any more damage on the kids.

That's the Plan; anyway...

I'm off to inspect another house today. Wish me luck!

Grump said...

Best of luck with the house hunting. Over here in Melbourne the rental market is mad. They have prospective tenants bidding against each other to secure the lease. You need two incomes just to pay the rent.
Cheers Mark x

Enchantress said...

Yes! Good luck with house hunting. I hope you get what you want, for the price you want. Being in separate households will help both of you to take stock of things, I think (even though I know it will be hard...I was almost there myself). :)

Grump said...

I reckon you are wearing the same top in your newspaper photo on Miss Construed, as you had on for the photo for rn buffoon. Am I right.
Hope all goes well with you in NSW.
Cheers Mark x

Miss Construed... said...

Well spotted Grump!

I like my Regnad Toh shirt; I'm quite a fan of the 'drinking shirt'.

Gemnastics said...

that is a good plan. it's the most positive step you've taken in ages! go you.

Miss Construed... said...

Thanks Gem. I hope I work out, too!