Thursday, May 1, 2008

The (T)ruth Hurts...

Due to a lack of blogging inspiritation I've decided (for better or worse) to post my Mother's reply to the below email.

Oh well; tomorrow is TMI Tuesday so I may have something better then. But until then- all names have been changed to protect the Innocent...

"Even if you or Hubby had provided any of the items you insist be “shared”, I would still not agree with your premise…either something belongs to a person, or it does not. And, if its given, it is up to the receiver/owner who can “share”. There is a perfectly acceptable computer available for an almost 5 year old to use…if you cleaned up a lot of the rubbish off it, it wouldn’t even be so slow. And, the reward of patience, is patience, something little Son needs a little extra of. And, so what if it takes up time to set it up…its not as if you have a lot to do…you find time to do puzzles, something I have never been able to find time for. You criticize Grandpa D for lack of “sharing”….tell me, what do you or Hubby “share”? as far as I can see, you don’t provide eldest Son with breakfast/lunch/lunch money….have you ever even bought him a pair of socks? And we wont talk about the (piano)concerts neither of you can bother to see.

You say he hasn’t said he wont “share” with little Son….have you ever asked him if he wants to? He hates it when you yell at him, he doesn’t handle conflict well…he gets a bellyache…, and, when you “share” he was very upset about the porn that was on his computer!

Little Son “doesn’t get everything “ you say? That’s not the way it looks….I never hear you say the “no” word to him….he certainly knows how to say it to anyone who wont give him what he wants, or he is asked to do anything/eat something that isn’t rubbish!. As for your “supervision” of little Son… asleep in bed, or on the couch doesn’t cut it! There’s a bit more to it than just being in the same house somewhere.

As for it being “up to me” where his computer is…I wouldn’t accept that it is my choice….surely its up to eldest Son?? And, if he wants it at home, surely its up to him to say if little Son can use it, not you! Little Son has the run of his room, his TV…puts food everywhere, picks up nothing, throws things around….just what does belong to eldest Son, can you tell me????


Now, dear Reader; is it any wonder that I know she thinks that I'm a failure?

And just for the record; I've cooked my kids a thousand hot breakfasts- yet can quite clearly remember making all my own school lunches when I was just five.

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